I’m a designer at heart. I love to tackle big problems in small teams. I feel it’s important to be open-minded, a good listener and to reflect on your work.
Experience Design Consultant
JAN 2018 - present
MRM Meteorite (Freelance)
Senior UX Designer
SEP - OCT 2017
The Telegraph
UX Designer
APR - SEP 2017
The Telegraph
UX Designer
APR - SEP 2017
Monitise Create (now Big Radical)
Senior UX Designer
APR - OCT 2016
Senior UX Designer
FEB 2014 - MAR 2016
Senior Experience Designer
NOV 2010 - DEC 2013
LBi (now Digitas LBi)
UX Architect
JUL 2007 - SEP 2010
I’m really into music. At the moment, I’m listening to The Space Between by Majid Jordan.
I love travelling and would really like to visit Japan one day.
I like photography and the outdoors. This photo was taken in Tanzania.